Tuesday 16th April 2024

Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford Commencement Address

Having just stumbled upon Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address, a speech that has garnered nearly 13 million views, I find myself grateful for the…

Setting Up the Development Version of R

At Fred Hutchinson, my colleagues often utilize the development version of R, known as R-devel, and have encouraged me to follow suit. In this post

How to Download Kaggle Data with Python and requests.py

Lately, I've been delving into Kaggle and found myself frustrated with the manual data download process via their website.

High-Dimensional Microarray Data Sets in R for Machine Learning

My primary focus in machine learning research revolves around analyzing small-sample, high-dimensional bioinformatics data sets.


Greetings friends, today I want to share with you the wonderful world of statistics and machine learning through the lens of my blog. My name is Herman Trujillo, and I am happy to welcome you to my virtual corner where we will explore and discuss everything related to this exciting…


Machine learning

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