Having just stumbled upon Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford Commencement Address, a speech that has garnered nearly 13 million views, I find myself grateful for the timing. Had I encountered it earlier, I might not have fully appreciated the depth of his insights. Among the plethora of memorable quotes, a few resonate deeply with me, echoing the wise counsel of my grandmother from years past.

“Don’t settle.”

“Stay hungry. Stay foolish.”

These words strike a chord, serving as a poignant reminder of a fundamental truth: the pursuit of passion and purpose should never wane. Jobs’ admonition to seek out what one loves resonates powerfully, whether in matters of career or matters of the heart. Indeed, our work occupies a significant portion of our lives, and true satisfaction can only be attained by dedicating ourselves to endeavors we deem truly meaningful.

It’s refreshing to revisit such timeless wisdom, a gentle nudge to reassess our priorities and reignite our pursuit of greatness.

As an aside, it’s worth noting that due to the migration to Jekyll 2.0 on GitHub pages, certain functionalities, such as the YouTube plugin previously utilized, are currently disabled. While I had hoped to embed the video directly, perhaps in the future, technological advancements will afford us that luxury once again.